New Song "Ocalan" out NOW!!!

Hi comrades!

In case you haven't seen via my Facebook or Twitter pages, I've just released a new song that tells the story of imprisoned Kurdish freedom fighter Abdullah Öcalan. You can listen to the track for free here or download it if you want to support my music.

I wrote the song because I feel that the story is interesting and often overlooked. I also discovered that websites like Facebook tend to ban accounts for posting ANYTHING related to Ocalan or the PKK which I find rather disturbing. I mean, regardless of your political opinions and whether or not you consider the man to be a terrorist (more than 140 countries don't while around 49 do), the Kurdish Worker's Party and their movement is an important part of the history of the entire region. Removing even the slightest mention of Ocalan from Facebook stinks for that reason alone.

Will the song get my Facebook account banned? Who knows? Luckily, I've been posting about it online for a couple of days now and there is still no sign of the social media Police. So maybe I've managed to evade their censorship with my cleverly blurred thumbnails and careful post wording? I can only hope.

Anyone who would like to use the song as part of pro-Kurdish videos for YouTube, documentaries, or at protest marches should feel free! And you can also probably work out how to steal the track online if you don't want to pay to download it - I'm fine with that too :) Music is for everyone!

Still, that does bring me on to something important that I feel I should mention. I am not a rich songwriter making a healthy living from downloads, and I don't ever plan to be that way. My goal is to write songs that mean something to people, and I'm not interested in lining my pockets off the back of that. I just want to make the world a better place in my own little way (and okay, yeah, maybe I want to spark a revolution too.)

Any money I make from song downloads goes towards funding the purchase of improved recording equipment which enables me to continue making better music and ensure it can reach more and more people. I don't ask for those on low wages or activists to pay to download my tracks, but if there are any people out there who enjoy my songs and would like to see more of them, I'd really appreciated you throwing a few coins in the pot by downloading a song or two from my Bandcamp page.

That's it from me for now.

See you on the front lines comrades!



    Thanks💟 & Welcome💟Dear Friend !


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