Songs for Rojava Crowdfunder - 6 Days To Go!!!

Hi folks, Just a quick one from me today as the weather is looking pretty good outside and I've just finished work.... so I want to get away from the computer. I hope you're all well and that you also plan to enjoy the sunshine today. I want to congratulate everyone who helped the HDP in the recent elections against the strong arm of fascist Turkey. While the election was a joke from start to finish, Erdogan still failed to suppress the Kurdish vote - well done! That brings me onto the purpose for this short blog post today. As most of you know, I am currently crowdfunding for my next album Songs for Rojava which is due out within the next couple of months. There are only 6 days to go on the crowdfunder, and I'm hoping that a few more people will contribute to help me reach the fundraising goal. Right now, the total sits at £385 which is fantastic! Can we get it a little closer to the goal before the crowdfunder ends? If you're feeling flush or you just...