BLOG UPDATE: Songs for Rojava Crowdfunder

Hi everyone!

I thought I'd better write a quick blog post to keep you all updated in the crowdfunder for my next album Songs for Rojava that should be finished and released sometime during the next couple of months.

The crowdunder total stands at £310 as I write this blog post, which is pretty fantastic being as there are still sixteen more days to go to reach the target of £1000. I want to say a massive thank you to every single person who's contributed so far and who continues to support my music and my attempt to raise as much publicity and awareness for the situation in Kurdistan as possible.

Please continue to share the crowdfunder and help me to reach the target :)

Here is the link to share:

In case you're interested in how the money is being spent (some of you might be) I'll take a moment to give you a breakdown of the costs involved at my end. Apart from the time and effort put into writing and recording the songs (for which I am happy to do for free if it helps to promote the cause) the main expenses are as follows:

Recording the album = £550 (thank goodness for mate's rates)
Releasing the album across all online platforms = £100
Getting 100 professionally manufactured CDs to give away to Kurdistan solidarity groups and anyone who wishes to sell them to raise money for causes that benefit the revolution in Rojava: £300

That leaves £50 left over out of the £1000 I'm trying to raise that will be used to cover fuel costs to the studio, unexpected expenses, and maybe a packet of smokes if I'm lucky :)

If I end up having to put my hand in my own pocket to make up the shortfall in funding, I will do that. But I hope that some more people out there will see value in the project and chip-in. I'm far from being wealthy, and I'm giving the album away for free when it's finished to ensure maximum possible results in raising the profile of Kurdistan and the revolution happening there.

Anyway, it's Friday, and you're probably relaxing with your friends and family, so I'll head off now.

Peace and solidarity!



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