Songs for Rojava - Crowdfunder

Some of you may have seen via my social media pages that I've announced a brand new album project called "Songs for Rojava" due for release within the next two to three months. The aim of the project is to raise more awareness about the Kurdish struggle and the Rojava revolution, and the album will be available for FREE to absolutely everyone.

There is going to be a CD version if you prefer that rather than a free download, and it will also be possible to stream the album on Spotify and iTunes, etc. However, I'm making the entire collection of songs and the artwork downloadable at no cost online so that Kurdish supporters and solidarity campaign groups can burn copies of the album and sell them at fundraising events. I will publish a guide for those who want to do that when the time comes - it's easy.

The album will feature lots of new Rojava and Kudistan-related songs as well as newly recorded versions of Song for the YPJ, On A Cold Night In Syria, and Ocalan.

All music on the album is going to be released under creative commons licensing meaning that anyone is free to use it within videos, at events, or however they like. I believe music is an excellent way to grab attention and raise awareness, and that is why I'm dedicating a lot of time, effort, and inevitably; money to this project.

I've set up a crowdfunding campaign for anyone who would like to contribute towards helping me cover some of the costs involved in bringing Songs for Rojava to life. I'd really appreciate any support you can offer, and every donation helps!

If, by some strange stroke of luck, there is any money left over from the crowdfunder after recording and releasing the album, I will use the cash to send free CD versions of the album to Kurd solidarity groups.

Contribute towards the crowdfunding campaign here:

Regardless of how much money I manage to raise with contributions, Songs for Rojava will become available by the end of July / beginning of August this year (2018).

I want to support the Kurdish struggle and the Rojava revolution as much as possible, and as a songwriter, I think this is the best way to do it. If you agree, feel free to chip-in!

Stay tuned for more updates!

Catch you later comrades.


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